Location: India

Monday, July 31, 2006


The college days are nice to everyone. And those in which you play more than studying are etched in your mind. The final year of the MCA went about bunking for weeks and playing in the labs. The placements only adding fuel to the fire. The group got so much indulged in the activity that they decided to have a name for it.
Quake Three Arena Group. The madness reached such a level that a car going in front of us with any cloth hanging was equivalent to a rival running away with our camp flag. The mental state was one of madness, as some authors’ state, a state of holiness, for the game.
To this day, the madness continues. Some plans were floated to play in Reliance web world. The failure of the plans didn’t deter us from going ahead and killing innocent bots at our PC. The madness continues….


Blogger vikasjain said...

boss, I must salute to your QUAKE passion. I would like to join this passion in future if something can be arranged for the same. Please let me know about any event if you guys organize.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006 6:20:00 AM  
Blogger Nitesh said...

I remember those days all too well. In fact, in that period of 'madness', whenever I closed my eyes, I could still see a game going back-strafing with krur's flag while trying to save my ass from his deadly rockets, or searching for extra ammunition in the middle of a fierce battle with AB in the courtyard, or something interesting related to quake. It had become so much more than just a game, it was life itself!

Unfortunately I wasnt able to continue on after that period, cause slaying bots (even at hardcore) never gave me the same kind of satisfaction as murdering an awesome krur or the godlike headbanger (once in a while) or even butchering a hapless cyanide for that matter.

I used to be a 'stud' of sorts myself ;) back then, but as it stands today, I'd be a dead duck if I was playing with any of you (if you're still in touch that is).

Tuesday, August 01, 2006 5:14:00 PM  
Blogger Navneet Gupta said...

those were the good ol' days. It was definitely the biggest reason to come to the department. The deadly battles where even friends showed no mercy to each other.
We would wait for the prof to enter the classroom (which was communicated to us by one of the sincere girls), trying to hit home the last rocket of revenge. Then we would quickly enter the classroom in a line. It was always the same. No time was wasted ever, even a 10 min break had to be utilized for some hardcore fragging. No we were not just a group of young lads playing computer games, there was honor, glory and patriotism. There was sacrifice of your own life for saving your teams flag carrier, or diving into 3 enemies armed to the teeth to save your flag.
I think it was definitely one of the high points of our lives..

Monday, December 31, 2007 3:22:00 AM  

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